circle conversations │ anne-marie curtis

circle conversations │ anne-marie curtis

A founding member and fashion director of Wallpaper magazine at launch in 1996 and former Editor-in-Chief of ELLE UK, Anne-Marie Curtis has recently launched The Calendar Magazine, a magazine and platform for the considered consumer.

AMC wearing Dune sweater.

Photographed by Cathy Kasterine.
MUA by Andrew Gallimore.

You recently launched The Calendar Magazine, a magazine and platform for the considered consumer. Can you tell us how the idea was born and what your ultimate goal is for the platform.

The idea was born really from thinking how I could bring my editorial and fashion industry expertise to the issue of sustainability. I wanted to create a platform that felt like a glossy magazine - inspiring visuals and content with editorial authority, to create community and show people how they can consume and live more mindfully without losing any of the love and joy of fashion in the process. We've launched as a micro magazine format IG with a web-site coming soon.

Was there a pivotal moment in your life or career that made you want to focus on the sustainable fashion movement, and if so, can you tell us a little bit about that?

I published a Sep fashion issue of ELLE in 2018 dedicated to the issue of sustainability and it really shifted how I thought about things. Not that I loved fashion any less but that I realised how important the issue was and that I wanted to be a part of the conversation.

What does sustainability mean to you?

To me it's about slowing down. Taking time to think before you shop. Trying to adopt a more conscious and joyful relationship with your wardrobe, connect with the world around you and recognise the positive impact we can have both as individuals and collectively. Even small changes can make a difference.

What book are you reading right now?  

I've found myself returning to old favourites a lot the past year and just re-read 'The Heart is a Lonely Hunter' by Carson McCullers.

What does the future of fashion look like to you?

Innovation. From technology to circular fashion and creating new ways of doing things. As Alber Einstein said " We cannot solve our problems with the thinking we used when creating them".

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